Experts fear US-China BIT agreement will not materialise

As tensions between the US and China mount, experts at the recent World Forum on China Studies held in the US, agreed that the chances of the two countries finalising their bilateral investment treaty are deteriorating. 

Latin American Investment Forum spotlights big opportunities

Speakers at the fifth Latin American Investment Forum in London discussed the large number of infrastructure projects in the pipeline in Latin America, and the investment opportunities that these present to foreign investors.

Start-up spaces for FDI

How could the rise of shared office space affect the world of FDI?

In recent years, co-working environments have gained huge popularity among start-ups. Michal Kaczmarski asks whether shared office spaces can also become a viable alternative for foreign companies entering new markets.

Cuba comes in from the cold

In from the cold: the implications of the US's thawing on Cuba

The relaxing of travel and commercial restrictions between Cuba and the US announced in 2014 has already seen a glut of international companies visiting the island, enthused by the potential of the country. But is the 'new' Cuba all it appears to be? Michael Deibert investigates.

North America dominates aerospace ranking

Over the past five years, North America has attracted the most aerospace investment of any global region, with the US ranked the leading destination country and Mexico the top ranking developing country. 

US needs to step up R&D capabilities: Brookings Institute

With spending in many other countries outpacing that in the US, local think tank Brookings Institute has said that the country must increase its investment in research and development. 

Susana Martinez

Susana Martinez: incentivising investment in New Mexico

New Mexico governor Susana Martinez has been sharpening the state’s competitive edge, pushing through legislative changes to make its investment environment more attractive. 

warnings overseas expansion

When FDI fails: learning the lessons of international expansion

The complexities of overseas expansions are often overlooked in the bid to tap into new growth markets. Michal Kaczmarski looks at what it takes to crack foreign markets. 

Panama Canal extension

Digging deep: how ports in the Americas are preparing for the Panama Canal expansion

As the expansion of the Panama Canal nears completion, ports across the Americas are gearing up to accommodate the increase of traffic that is expected as a result of the extension. 

Mexico continues to soar in aerospace sector

Mexico's position as a global leader in the aerospace sector has been consolidated in recent years, as data from fDi Markets shows.

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